Circle of Supports Webinar – NDIS Pricing Transition
On Tuesday, 25th May, Civic hosted the NDIS Pricing Transition Circle of Supports Webinar, presented by Mark Saweriss, Customer Sales Manager, Civic Disability and Natalie Burroughs, Assistant Director Provider and Market Engagement NSW/ACT National Disability Insurance Agency.
The free webinar discussed the NDIS pricing framework and the changes to group activities and supports in employment, including how they will be funded, invoiced and claimed.
Natalie Burroughs gave an overview of the NDIS Pricing Restructure and some of the changes coming to Supports in Employment.
Mark Sawariss, dived into more detail on Supported Employment price changes; centre capital costs; non face 2 face supports, and provider travel. Mark also presented real-life examples of what these changes will look like from July 1st onwards.
You can now view the NDIS Pricing Transition Circle of Supports webinar online here: https://www.civic.org.au/circle-of-supports/
If you have any questions relating to the webinar, or transition for both Supports in Employment and Community and Centre based Group Activities, please contact our Customer Experience Team – we are here to help.
P: 1300 692 484 (MYCIVIC)
Upcoming Webinar
Our next Circle of Supports webinar is all about Independent Assessments.
What is an independent assessment and how does it differ from the current planning meeting process? Plus more.
When: Tuesday 22nd June, 11am -12pm
Registration is free: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_4uu1jrzyS_aUT4Z5WrC-wQ