Join us as we celebrate IDPwD – an internationally recognised day that helps raise awareness, understanding and acceptance of people with disability and provides an opportunity to celebrate their achievements.
When: 3rd December 2019
Time: 10am – 1pm
Where: Casula Powerhouse Arts Centre
Address: 1 Powerhouse Road Casula, NSW (Entry via Shepherd Street Liverpool)
Cost: Free admission
Ages: All ages welcome
Civic clients and staff have been channeling their creative potential all year, and their artwork will be on display – and for sale – on the day. Enjoy live music and garden tours, take part in mosaic workshops, virtual reality art experiences or simply browse the art market at this free event. Civic Kitchen & Catering will also be on hand to keep you caffeinated.

For more information about the show, please contact Civic’s Customer Experience Team on 1300 692 484 or email enquiries@civic.org.au.
We hope to see you there.